Profilo Donna-Femme Profil-Woman's Profile

Nina Kossman is a bilingual writer, poet, memoirist, playwright, literary translator, and artist. She emigrated from the Soviet Union with her parents in 1972. She has authored, edited, or translated nine poetry and prose books. Her work has appeared in over ninety magazines and anthologies and has been translated into many languages, including French, Italian, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, German, Persian, Chinese, Bengali, and Japanese. Her plays have been produced in several countries. Her paintings and sculptures have been exhibited in New York, Québec City, and Philadelphia. She received a National Endowment for the Arts translation fellowship, a UNESCO/PEN Short Story Award, grants from the Foundation for Hellenic Culture, and Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation.  She lives in New York.

NB: “Kossman” is spelled with a double “s” in English and one “s” in Russian.



Оправдание мартышки (Kyiv : Друкарський двір, 2024).  Друкарський двір

Poem of the End: 6 Narrative Poems by Marina Tsvetaeva (Shearsman Books, 2021): Shearsman Books

Other Shepherds, a book of original poems by N.Kossman and translations of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poems (Poets & Traitors Press, New York, 2021)

Царица иудейская (Рипол, 2019).  Queen of the Jews (Philistine Press, 2015, 2017)

Gods and Mortals: Modern Poems on Classical Myths, anthology, Oxford University Press, 2001. Oxford University Press

Behind the Border. Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard/ William Morrow / Harper Collins, 1994 (hardcover); Beechtree / William Morrow (Harper Collins) [paperback]. Asunaro Shobo, Tokyo, 1994 (in Japanese)

The Story of Little Ai

Poem of the End. Selected and Narrative Lyrical Poems of Marina Tsvetaeva. Translated by Nina Kossman.  Ardis Publishers / Overlook Press, 1998. Overlook Press

По правую руку сна. Poems in Russian and English (Побережье, 1998)

In the Inmost-Hour-Soul-Vox-Humana. Selected poems by Marina Tsvetaeva. Translated by Nina Kossman. Humana Press, 1989.

Myths and Mirrors. Зеркала и мифы. Стихи.

Pereboi. Poems in Russian. Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, Moscow, 1990.
Перебои: стихотворения – Нина Косман (Коссман)- Google Books

Poetry (English)

Poems in Kelp Journal
“Kharkiv” in “Fantastic Imaginary Creatures” (an anthology of contemporary prose poems), 2024
“About Pied Piper and His Flute” in The Rutherford Red Wheelbarrow, issue 16
Four  poems in Poetic Galaxy Atunis
Eight poems in EWLF
Three poems in Atunis Poetry
“Untitled 2” in Third Wednesday Magazine
“Ariadne” in Literary Yard
Five poems The Fictional Cafe
Anti-war poetry in ROAR, issue 3
Poems in The Classical Outlook
“Valley of Closed Eyes”  Vox Populi
Another Thing About a War  WordCityLit
“Conversation with the Earth” International Human Rights Festival
Cycle of poems. First poem  Vox Populi #1
Cycle of poems. Second poem Vox Populi #2
Cycle of poems. Third poem Vox Populi #3
Eight poems in EastWest Literary Forum
“Ismul the Boy Warrior”  Carmina Magazine
“Orpheus”  Carmina Magazine
“Agamemnon’s Shadow Speaks” Carmina Magazine
“While you wait for the music”  Vox Populi
“Upon seeing a portrait of Genrikh Yagoda” Vox Populi
Poem in Vox Populi
“Giordano Bruno’s Last Letter” Vox Populi
“One by One” Another Chicago Magazine
Three poems in The Cafe Review, Winter 2021 issue.
Four short poems in Среда Sreda
Long poem in Среда Sreda
Poems in WordCity Monthly wordcitylit
Like lambs, translated by Мary Jane White, in “101 Jewish Poems for the Third Мillenium”, an anthology published by Ashland Press, edited by Nancy Carlson & М.Silverman.
Seven texts in Eratio Postmodern Poetry Eratio Postmodern Poetry
Poem and painting in Ekphrastic Review Ekphrastic Review
Two poems in The Classical Outlook, Volume 95, Number 1.
Seven poems in January 2020 issue  Live Encounters
Seven poems in December 2019 issue Live Encounters
Lament for Odysseus. Six poems. September 2019.  Live Encounters 
Three poems Unlikely Stories
Three poems Trafika Europe Corner
A cycle of poems in Why NiCHT?, a trilingual (English, German, French) literary journal (Vienna, Austria)
Contemporary Verse 2. The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Thinking, vol. 38, issue 4. Spring 2016
“Ismul the Boy Warrior” Issue 2, March 2015: Modern Poetry Review
Leader’s Guide, Lectionary-Based Materials, Morehouse Education Resources, Denver, Colorado, Spring B 2012
Latitude on 2nd, Poetry Anthology, Spring 2012
Empirical Premier Issue, June 2012: Empirical
Gods and Mortals: Modern Poems on Classical Myths Oxford University Press, New York / Oxford, 2001
Virginia Quarterly Review, vol.72, Number 2, 1996
The Gospels in Our Image: An Anthology Harcourt Brace, New York/San Diego, 1995.
The Connecticut Poetry Review,Volume 14, number 1, 1995
Prairie Schooner, Volume 70, Number 3, Fall 1996
Quarterly West, No. 40, Summer 1995
Orbis, no. 89/90, Summer / Autumn 1993, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK
International Women Poets Anthology, LIPS, Issue 17, 1993
Orphic Lute, Vancouver, Canada, 1993
Alea, Number 1, Spring 1990
The New Renaissance, Vol. VIII, No.2, 1989
Southern Humanities Review, Spring 1986

Short Prose (English)

“Born Too Late to Remember” in Of the Book
“Memories of a Vanished City” in “the other side of hope: journeys in refugee and immigrant literature” (Autumn 2023)
“Lysenko, Enemy of Soviet Science, and a Dissertation Left on a Windowsill” in Wordcitylit
“Convo with a Stranger at 35,000 feet”  The Book Haven
“How I Tried to Unite the Parts of My Soul” in Asymptote
“Neti-Neti” in  The Best American Poetry Blog
“About Queen Elizabeth in a Soviet Childhood” Cassandra Voices. Ireland
Three parables  Cassandra Voices
“Sophie’s Choice and What I Understood about Profanation” Litro
Story Аbout an Оld Job New City Lit
Excerpt from a memoir about a trip to Ukraine. Transitions/Артикуляция
“A Pupil’s Revenge” in The Whisky Blot
“Other People’s Thoughts” in  Mumbermag.Issue #3
“Jaffa Oranges in Schönau Castle” in  Pocket Samovar
Two flash fiction pieces in Short, Vigorous Roots, an anthology of immigrant writing, ed. Mark Budman & Susan O’Neil (Ooligan Press)
Short Story in World Literature Today
Short story in Usawa Literary Review (Mumbai, India) Usawa Literary Review
Three short essays in  WordCityLit
“Farewell to Old Gods” in Carmina Magazine
“A Report Card” in The Common
“I Have no Proof, Except for the Story I Tell Everyone I Meet” EastWest Literary Forum
“Prodigy” and “What Has Become of Lukomorye?” in  EastWest Literary Forum  EastWest Literary Forum 2
Two flash fictions (“About a Woman Who was Glad She Was Born a Woman” and “Read Your Book!”) in Body
“Doll” and “Mother’s Love”  in Word City WordCityLit
Two parables (in English and Russian) in Anmly
“А Translator” in Apofenie
Three short stories in Mumbermag:
* “Ochi” 
** “A New Year’s Tree or Atheism in Communist Countries” 
*** “Two Dreams about Trump” 
Tin House, Vol. 5, Number 3, Spring 2004
Story about an Old Rug The Ekphrastic Review
Three short stories / flash [non]fiction in Unlikely Stories Unlikely Stories
“Your Students or Your Customers” in PEN America
Confrontation, No. 72/73, Fall 2000/Winter 2001
Nuestra Voz / Our Voice, Anthologia del Comite de Escritoras del PEN Club Internacional, Salta, Argentina, 2001
Art Times, June 2000
Michigan Quarterly Review, Arthur Miller issue, University of Michigan, Fall 1998
Columbia, issue 29, 1998
Prism International, Vol. 36, No.2, Winter 1998
Short stories (translated into Dutch) in Horizon, Belgium, Number 102, winter 1997-1998; Number 103, Summer 1998; Number 104, winter 1998-1999
The Threepenny Review, #71, Fall 1997
Wind Magazine, Number 80, 1997
Pen International, Volume XIV, Number 2, 1995
Mundus Artium, Volume XV, Numbers 1&2, 1985
The New Southern Literary Messenger, Richmond, Virginia, Spring 1985
Sepia, Cornwall, England, 1985

Poetry and Prose (Russian)

В Журнальном зале:

Two poems, with English translations by Dmitri Manin, in “Dislocation” (an Anthology of Poetic Response to Russia’s War in Ukraine) Slavica, 2024
Poems in “Disbelief 100 Russian Anti-War Poems”
Poems (“Вне любви отчизн”) Эмигрантская Лира (Belgium) 2023
Poems (“В саду родного языка”) Интерпоэзия 2023
Three monosyllabic poems (3 брахиколона) “Год Поэзии” Kyiv, Ukraine (2023)
Five short stories about childhood in  “Радуга”  Kyiv, Ukraine (2023)
A cycle of poems (“Цикл о голове”) in Interpoezia
Short stories in Ural  Журнальный зал/Урал
Anti-war poems in  ROAR
Anti-war poems in No-war-poetry
“In Memory of a Hen”/ “Памяти курицы” in Цирк Олимп: Цирк Олимп+TV
Babi Yar poem (with translation): EastWest Literary Forum
“Russia is not in Austria”: Memories of My School Years guru-art
Excerpts from a memoir about teaching in Monterey. Part 1: guru-art; Part 2: guru-art; Part 3: guru-art   Part4: guru-art
Russian translations of N.K.’s English poems Literratura
Poems in Interpoezia (translated from English) Interpoezia 
Four poems in  Связь времён
Russian translations of N.K.’s English poems in Артикуляция
Poems in “Крещатик” Kreschatik
Short stories in “Артикуляция” Articulation 7 ; Articulation 11
Poem in Coronaverse 
Seven stories / Семь рассказов  Времена #1 (17) 2021, стр. 68-79
Eight short stories/ Восемь рассказов Времена #2 (14) 2020. pp. 118 -140)
Three stories  Журнальный зал. Журнал “Урал”
Poems in “Артикуляция” Артикуляция 8
A selection of poems / Подборка стихов  “45-ая параллель” 45th parallel
Poems  Эмигрантская лира
Flash fiction / parables in English & in Russian /Притчи на русском и английском в журнале “Двоеточие” Двоеточие
Short prose / Рассказ в журнале Homo Logens: Журнальный зал Homo Legens  Начало на стр. 78: Click here
Poems in the New Review/Подборка стихов в журнале Новый журнал
“My Para,” a short story / Рассказ в журнале Волга
A short story in “Dvoetochi” / Рассказ в журнале Двоеточие
A short story in “”Novyi Bereg” / Рассказ в журнале Новый берег 
Two short stories about Soviet Childhood/ Два рассказа о детстве в журнале Новый континент; Новый континент
Two short stories / Два рассказа Новый континент
A short story / Рассказ в журнале Новый континент
Two recollections Поэтоград
Poems and paintings in Средоточие
Стихотворение в “Читальном зале” Поэтоград
Two short stories Поэтоград
Short Prose in “Znamya” / Зарисовки в “Знамени” Журнальный зал. Знамя
“Исмул, мальчик-воин”(перевод с анг.) в альманахе “Новый Гильгамеш”  Журнальный мир (archived copy)
Poems in “70”: KRiK Publishing House
Prose poems Zinziver
Стихи и две картины в “Литературных известиях” Литературные известия
Рассказы в журнале “Новый берег” Новый берег
Воспоминания о Довлатове Новый берег
Три рассказа/ Short stories Волга
Подборка стихов Поэтоград
Пять рассказов в Homo Legens: Homo Legens
Стихи в  альманахе “45-ая параллель” 45th parallel
Рассказ “Мёд” в журнале “Крещатик” Khreschatik
Два рассказа / Two short stories in “Новый континент” Новый континент
Подборка стихов. Poems: Новый континент
Стихи и картины. Poems and paintings in Мастерская
Главы из романа: Заметки по еврейской истории
Подборка стихов. Poems  Летит телеграмма
Подборка стихов. Poems in Российский колокол
Детские рассказы о детстве в журнале Этажи
Poems in  Слово/Word Слово/Word
Poems and paintings in Среда
Poems in Связь времён Связь времён
Poems in Russian Women Modern Poetry in Translation: Amazon
Перебои: стихотворения – Нина Косман – Google Books
An Anthology of Contemporary Russian Women Poets. Edited by Daniel Weissbort and Valentina Polukhina. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, 2005
Russian Women Poets, Modern Poetry in Translation, No. 20, King’s College, London, 2002
Литературный витраж, ed. by Vadim Kreyd and Anatoly Liberman, The Association of Russian-American Scholars in the USA, 1996
Побережье (Poberezhye / The Coast), Philadelphia, 1993, 1994, 1995
Новый Журнал (The New Review), 87, 184-185, 192-193, New York, 1985, 1991, 1993
Вестник, Maryland, 9/1/91
Встречи, Philadelphia, ed. by Valentina Sinkevich. 1985, 1986, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997


Театр абсурда “Водные процедуры” [абсурдная пьеса в журнале  Этажи
“Foreign Gifts” in Asymptote
Foreign Gifts – A drama  about Communism versus Capitalism
Mirror – Play for Young Teenagers
“Foreign Gifts” performed by “Global Female Voices”, London, April 2018
Moonlit Wings production of “Mirror”, Nina Kossman’s play for children: Click here
One-act play in Women Playwrights: Best Plays of 2000
A monologue in 60 Seconds to Shine: 221 One-Minute Monologues for Women
Foreign Gifts was performed by The Ventura Court Theatre, Studio City, CA (March 1998)
One-act plays (From Russia with Gum, The Road to City Hall, Miracles) produced by The Theatre Studio, NYC, 1997-1998

Translations of Kossman’s work into other languages:

Translations of N.K.’s poems in Revista Las nueve musas (Spain)
Translations of N.K.’s “Kharkiv” (2 prose poems) into French in Memoires en Jeu, #20 (Spring 2023)
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Spanish in Hamburger Channel
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Italian in Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation    
translation of N.K. poem into Albranian Telegrafi
Translation of N.K.’s poem into Albanian  ObserverKult
Translations of N.K.’s parables into French Eurolikrant (Belgium)
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Spanish Red Carpet (Colombia)
Translations of N.K. English poems into Albanian in Akademia (Kosovo, June 2023)
Translation of N.K.’s list poem into Albanian  Telegrafi (Kosovo, June 2023)
Translations of N.K.’s Russian poems into French (“Babi Yar” & “Les mots ont disparu”) by Sarah Ossipow Cheang in Les Configurations de la désespérance (paperback). February 9, 2023.
Translations of N.K.’s parable “A Pupil’s Revenge” into French  Eurolikrant
Translations of N.K. poem “Babi Yar” into Italian  Alessandriaonline and  Almerighi (Italian)
Translations of N.K.’s parables into Spanish in Revista Cronopio
Translations of N.K.’s Russian poems into Italian by Paolo Statuti One Soul and Three Wings 
Translations of N.K.’s parables into Spanish Ablucionistas  (Mexico)
Translations of N.K.  poems into Spanish in  Revista Altazor (Chile)
Translations of N.K. English poems into Italian EWLF
Translation of N.K.’s short story “A Metal Box” into Hebrew  Salonet
Translation of N.K.’s poem “Another thing about a war” into Albanian in ObserverKult (Kosovo)
Translation of N.K.’s poem “Conversation About a Bomb” into Albanian  Telegraphi (Kosovo)
Translation of of N.K.’s  short story “A Plate” into Hebrew Salonet
Translations of two poems on war & peace in Jeudi des Mots (Mots de Paix)
Translations of N.K.’s work into Bulgarian by  Бомбата Каза
Translations of N.K.’s prose into French: Eurolitkrant
Translations of N.K.’s poetry into Bulgarian: ФЛАШ ЗОНА БГ
Translations of N.K. English poems into Russian: Формаслов
Translations of N.K. poems into Russian in Лиterraтура: Лиterraтура
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Spanish: Revista Kametsa
Translations of N.K.’s five poems into French: Recours au poème
Translation of N.K.’s poem into Danish Danish translation
Translations into Spanish by Linda Morales Caballero: Nueva York Poetry Review
Translation into Bulgarian: ФЛАШ ЗОНА БГ
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Russian: ЛИTERRAТУРА
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Russian in Interpoezia: Interpoezia
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Russian in “Aртикуляция”: Aртикуляция
Translations into Persian/Farsi by Rosa Jamali in Jenzaar, and in the Nowruz issue of Jahan-e-ketab (Persian Review)
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Persian: Rosa Jamali
Translations of N.K.’s poems into Persian by Rosa Jamali in Piadero magazine: Piadero magazine
Translations of N.K. poetry into Hebrew: NLL
Translations of N.K.’s work into Chinese: Chinese translations
Translations into Greek, Dutch, and Castilian in paper (non-digital) editions in the 1990s.

Translations of Russian Poetry in Anthologies

Gods and Mortals: Modern Poems on Classical Myths. Oxford University Press, New York / Oxford, 2001.
Divine Inspiration: The Life of Jesus in World Poetry. Oxford University Press, New York / Oxford, 1998.
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse From Antiquity to our Time, ed. Katherine Washburn. W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1998.
In the Grip of Strange Thoughts: Contemporary Russian Poetry, ed. J. Kates, Zephyr Press, Boston, MA, 1999.
The Gospels in Our Image: An Anthology. Harcourt Brace, New York/San Diego, 1995.
Twentieth Century Russian Poetry Doubleday, 1993.

Translations of Russian Poetry and Prose in Literary Magazines

Three poems in European Literature Network
Translations of Boris Khersonsky’s poems in East West Literary Forum
Translation of Vlad Pryakhin’s free verse in World Literature Today
Translations of Vlad Pryakhin’s and Dmitry Danilov’s poems in National Translation Month
Translations of poems by Anna Altchuk in Russian Free Verse Russian Free Verse
Translation of Liliya Gazizova’s poem in Circumference
Translations of poems by multiple poets in Russian Free Verse Anthology
Translation of a poem by Boris Khersonsky in Sensitive Skin Magazine: Sensitive Skin Magazine
Translation of a poem by Gennady Katsov in The Ekphrastic Review: The Ekphrastic Review
Translation of poems by Marina Galina  Red Door p. 47
Translations of four poems by Maria Galina in Exchanges
Translations of poems by Vlad Pryakhin in Issue 21 in “Four Centuries of Russian Poetry”: Play
Translations of four Russian poets in Red Door: Red Door
South Florida Journal, Poems by Boris Khersonsky.
Ezra Journal of translation. Poems by Boris Khersonsky
Trafika Europe (Marat Baskin):  Click here
When Women Waken Two Poems by Marina Tsvetaeva
Blue Lyre Review: Click here
Words Without Borders: “It is not fated that, in this world,”, Nina Kossman
Metamorphoses -journal of literary translation- Metamorphoses
Center for the Art of Translation. Two Lines, issue 10: Parties. Translation of a chapter from Olga Gurian’s novel Parties, Issue 10 
Columbia, Issue 29, 1998
The American Voice, No. 46, 1998
The Raddle Moon, Issue 4, International Women Writers Issue
The Antioch Review, Volume 55, Number 2, Spring 1997
Artful Dodge, issue 34/35, The College of Wooster, Ohio
Alea, Issue 4, Spring / Summer 1995
Poet Lore,Volume 89, Number 3, 1994
An Explorer’s Guide to Russia, Zephyr Press, Boston / Canongate Press, Edinburgh, 1994
The Antigonish Review, Number 99, Fall 1994
International Poetry Review, Vol. XIX, 1, Spring 1993
Epiphany, Summer 1993
The Literary Review, Volume 34, Number 3, Spring 1991
Russian Literary Triquarterly, No. 22, Ardis Publishers, 1989
Prism International, vol. 23, Number 3, March 1985
City Lights Review, Issue 1, San Francisco, 1987
Vassar Review, Winter 1984
Silo, Bennington College, Vermont, 1980

Poem translations into Russian

Переводы стихов Кавафиса в журнале “Плавучий мост”: Плавучий мост
Альманах “Связь времён” Переводы стихов  Кавафиса:  Связь времён
«ВЕК ПЕРЕВОДА» Переводы стихов  Кавафиса
Библиотека Ферганы. Переводы стихов Кавафиса:  Click here
Переводы стихов с испанского языка: mir-es

Literary Criticism & Drama Reviews in Russian 

Нина Косман (Нью-Йорк). Безглагольный динамизм поэтической речи Цветаевой (A Centennial Symposium Dedicated to Marina Tsvetaeva, Norwich Symposia on Russian Literature and Culture)
“Иерархия жертвенности в трагедии Цветаевой “Ариадна” (Побережье #3, 1994)
Reviews of off-Broadway plays in Novoye Russkoe Slovo, 1995-1996
Вестник, Russian-language biweekly, “Ветхий Завет и современная поэзия”, April 4, 1995

Art in Journals
Paintings in Magazines

Paintings in EastWest Literary Forum Art of Nina Kossman
“The World Without Humans, Humans Without the World” is on the cover of Litterateur (a magazine published in India), March 2023
Six paintings and translations of Russian poems by Dmitry Danilov and Vlad Pryakhin in National Translation Month: National Translation Month
Two black-and-white pictures in Carmina Magazine
Five paintings on ecology: EcoArt Project
Ita Est painting in Litterateur RW, issue 10 (May 2021):  Litterateur RW
Paintings in Litterateur (pp. 5-18) Litterateur RW
Paintings in “Emigrantskaya lira” (issue #2, 2020).
Paintings in Live Encounters
Paintings in Trafika Europe 13 Тrafika Europe
Art in New England Review
Painting of Sobek in “Lord of the Carnelian Temple”  Amazon
Paintings in Five80Split, a journal of arts+letters, Mills College, CA, 2017.
Painting (“Mars”) in “Dauntless” (a back cover image and a frontispiece).
Paintings in Garfield Lake Review 2017, Olivet College, Michigan.
Paintings in Новый Континент
Poems and paintings in  Мастерская
Three paintings in “Minetta Review”, Spring 2016
Stalagmite Sculptures in So to Speak Journal:  So to Speak Journal
When Women Waken: Click here
Paintings in Inprnt
Paintings in Fine Arts America
Painting  (Poseidon”) in “From the Roaring Deep” (back cover and title page): Amazon
Ealain Magazine, Boksburg, South Africa, June 2015

Selected Interviews & Reviews of N.K.’s Work

Nina Kossman`s interview
Behind the Border – Kirkus Reviews
The Journal of Hellenic Studies / Volume 125 / November 2005, pp 201-201. Copyright © The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies 2005:  Cambridge University Press
Тартаковский, Пётр. “Нынче душа совершает набег…”. Побережье (Poberezhye / The Coast), Philadelphia, 1996
Вяч. Завалишин, “Лазейка в Озон: Н.Косман. Перебои”. Новый Журнал / The New Review, 1997
“Behind the Border” by Nina Kossman. Review by Carrol McCarthy in School Library Journal, 1994
“Behind the Border” by Nina Kossman. Review by Chris Sherman in Booklist, 1994
“Behind the Border” by Nina Kossman. Publishers Weekly, Aug. 1994
“Marina Tsvetaeva. In the Inmost Hour of the Soul”, Nina Kossman, tr. by Patricia Brodsky, in World Literature Today, Spring 1990

Awards, etc.

UNESCO/PEN Short Story Award, London, 1995.
NEA 1993 and 2002 Fellowship Panelist (Literary Translation)
Foundation for Hellenic Culture grant (Oxford University Press), 1998
Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation grant (Oxford University Press), 1998
National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, 1999
Fundación Valparaiso, Spain, 2000
Finalist for the Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing, 2021

Reviews & Writeups

Newsday, Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Booklist, Hornbook,American Poetry Review, World Literature Today, Choice, School Library Journal, Detroit Jewish News, Durham Herald, Washington Sun, Translation Review. In the Russian press: Novyi Zhurnal, Poberezh’e, Novoye Russkoye Slovo. In the Greek press: Proini and To Rima. In Slovenian: Delo. Featured on WBAI, WEVD, WNYE, Channel 69/Manhattan Cable TV. Dictionary of Russian Women Writers.Dictionary of Poets of the Russian Diaspora. Something about the Author. Who’s Who in the World.

Reviews of “Other Shepherds”

Review by Donald Brackett in Critics at Large Critics at Large
Review by Art Beck in “Your Impossible Voice” Your Impossible Voice
Review by Cynthia Haven in The Book Haven The Book Haven
Review by Emma Lee

Interviews & Reviews of the novel

Знамя (Станислав Секретов) Журнальный зал
Артикуляция (Ольга Бугославская) Артикуляция
Кольцо-А (Татьяна Ридзевич)  Кольцо-А
Перемены (Алексей Синицын) Перемены
Среда Sreda
Новые известия (Interview) Новые известия
Новые известия (Анна Берсенева) Новые известия
Интервью о романе (на русском) Interview
Ольга Бугославская о романе: «Царица иудейская»: история любви на фоне долгой войны

Тranslations of Michael Kossman’s Poems
1.Михаил Косман 
2. Михаил Косман
3. Михаил Косман


Nina Kossman`s Family


BIO in Russian
